What are MOT advisory notes?

MOT advisory notes are issues identified with your car during an MOT test. Advisory notes aren’t serious enough to cause an MOT failure, but they shouldn’t be ignored. Advisory notes are often early warning signs to things that could go wrong in the future, like low tyre tread depth, damaged wipers, low brake pads and discs, or concerning corrosion.

Here, we explain what MOT advisory notes are, what you should do if you receive and advisory and when to get things fixed.

Why have I received an MOT advisory

An MOT tester can issue an advisory note about any element of your car they think needs attention, so it’s impossible to provide an exhaustive list.

An MOT advisory could be anything from a loose mirror, stiff boot or signs of corrosion, so don’t be too concerned if you see lots of notes on your MOT certificate.

Common types of MOT advisory

Common MOT advisories include split windscreen wipers, worn bushes, low brake pads and discs, minor leaks or loud noise from your exhaust.

One of the major causes of MOT advisories is low tyre tread depth. The legal minimum tread of your tyres is 1.6mm, so if your tyres are close to this, you’ll get a warning note.

Driving with low tread is dangerous and against the law. Get caught and you could face a fine and 3 points for each tyre under the limit.

Many of the common MOT advisories can be identified and fixed if you take the time to inspect your vehicle. Check out our guide on pre-MOT checks you can do at home.

What does a MOT advisory mean?

An MOT advisory is used to raise awareness of an issue. It’s something that isn’t serious enough to cause an MOT failure but shouldn’t be ignored.

Tyres with low tread, for example, can be dangerous. If you get an MOT advisory, read it, understand what’s wrong and plan to get it fixed.

Should you fix advisories?

While you don’t need to fix advisory issues immediately, these are issues that you can’t ignore. An MOT test ensures that your car meets the minimum road safety standards. Advisory notes identify problems with your car that could affect its safety, smooth running and long-term life.

If you get the chance, chat with an MOT tester or mechanic to agree a suitable timeline for repairs. A worn tyre near its minimum limit should be changed as soon as possible, whereas a sticky boot strut is safe to leave a little longer.

Our advice is to identify the important issues and fix them first.

Should I buy a car with MOT advisories?

An MOT advisory doesn’t mean a car isn’t safe to drive. If the seller is honest enough to admit MOT advisories, you can ask them to put the issues right or subtract the cost from the asking price. Either way, don’t be afraid to buy a car with MOT advisories, but do make a plan to get them fixed.

Can you ignore MOT advisories?

If you want to, yes. Should you? No. An MOT tester has deemed the problem serious enough to bring it your attention. They’re the experts and we recommend that you respect them and get the advisory taken care of.

The long-term effects of advisory notes

Advisory notes are helpful reminders something is wrong. Ignore them for too long and small issues can develop into big problems, which could cause an MOT failure.

Continually ignoring advisory notes could also affect your car’s sale price. Failing to fix problems could put off potential buyers, so it’s safer and better to get them sorted as soon as possible.