

Everyone’s been affected by the coronavirus crisis, but for young people coming into the job market, things are particularly tough right now. Here at Halfords, we wanted to go some small way to help young people overcome the challenge of youth unemployment and that’s why we launched the Free-bike! scheme.

Endorsed by Olympic gold medallist Victoria Pendleton, Free-bike! gave 18–24-year-olds the chance to apply for one of 20 brilliant Apollo, Carrera and Pendleton e-bikes (plus accessories) by sharing a little about the economic struggles they were facing due to the pandemic.

We received over 6,000 applications and faced the tricky task of choosing just 20 winners. These winners have now been announced and you can find out more about six of them below.

the winners

We caught up with six of the winners of the Free-bike! scheme recently to find out more about the challenges they’ve faced during the pandemic, why they entered the competition and what winning a free e-bike will mean for them.


Sean Smith - Birmingham

“It’s the first time I’ve ever won anything in my life! I’m going to use it to get to my apprenticeship.”

17-year-old Sean Smith was forced to leave many personal possessions behind when he left home, including his beloved old bike. Covid hit as he was turning his life around, making it difficult for him to use public transport and get safely to and from his apprenticeship. Free-bike! was the answer.

Catherine Obla - Leeds

“Winning means I can get around more easily, take my guitar, go to gigs and start my career back up again.”

Musician Catherine Obla entered the Free-bike! competition after going months without work due to the pandemic and struggling to find a job due to the expense of public transport. She knew that winning an e-bike would give her the freedom to chase her dream of having a career in music.


Bethany Curzon - Nottingham

“The bike’s going to help me massively and help me
to keep me fit. ”

Bethany Curzon lost her dream job as a professional footballer due a combination of Covid and health issues, and was unable to return to her previous job for the same reasons. Needing a way to exercise, get to training and get to job interviews, she applied to the Free-bike! scheme.

Joshua Barnes - Bristol

“It’s life-changing. I’ll be able to get around the city and I’m hoping it will help me get a new job.”

When Joshua Barnes was robbed and his bike was stolen, he lost his ability to pay his university bills by delivering food to people. Free-bike! was the perfect opportunity to restore his income, reclaim his freedom and get some exercise at the same time.


Demario Green - Manchester

“I’m most excited about visiting new places on my new bike and becoming more active.”

When Joshua Barnes was robbed and his bike was stolen, he lost his ability to pay his university bills by delivering food to people. Free-bike! was the perfect opportunity to restore his income, reclaim his freedom and get some exercise at the same time.

Grace Burke-Whyte - Merseyside

“Winning the bike means I can be more independent and I can do things on my own.”

After overcoming serious health issues to graduate from university, Grace Burke-Whyte was ready to get her first job… when the pandemic hit. Forced to shield to keep herself safe, she started her own business but was desperate to find a way to get her independence back. Then she came across Free-bike!.